Author: Steven

  • Download problems

    Sorry, but the download section appears to be not working at this time. I will get it back up and functioning as soon as possible.

  • Larry Black Show updates

    I’ve uploaded two old episodes of The Larry Black Show from 1980 and 1982 respectively. You can download these to listen to on the Downloads page on this site. What I would like to know is this: Does anyone want to hear more of these shows? I’ve got about 3-4 more Larry Black Show episodes…

  • Silence

    Featured song: Silent Witness by Bob Ayala, from his 1976 album Joy By Surprise The last command that Jesus gave to us before He left earth was to go and make disciples (faithful followers) of everyone in the world, teaching them to obey everything that He had taught his followers while He was with them…

  • Grace

    Featured song: Grace Like Rain, by Todd Agnew, from the 2006 album of the same name. For me, the awesome thing about music is how it can take a moment, and make it suddenly slow to a stop, as the instruments and the singing suddenly wash over me, and I “hear” what is being sung…