Author: Steven

  • Mothers and Time

    Featured Song: Watercolour Ponies, by Wayne Watson, from the 1987 album of the same name. Today is Mother’s Day, 2009. It is, I have heard, one of the busiest days for telephone traffic of nearly any other day of the year. Some recollections of mothers are, sadly, not positive. For those people for whom this…

  • Trouble and Overcoming

    Featured song: Breakfast Table, by Chris Rice, from his 2005 album, Amusing. I attended a funeral yesterday for a uncle that I’ve not had much opportunity to see in the past few years. He had lived a long life, but as with everyone, the body finally wore out and he had to leave us. In…

  • Background Noise

    Featured song: Room Noise, by the 2nd Chapter Of Acts, from their 1983 album, Singer Sower. If you have been reading this blog for very long, it has probably become apparent to you that I am a person who is nostalgic, who enjoys looking back at his past. I treasure my memories, and believe that…

  • Woven

    The “loner” in life is actually a misnomer. There are no true loners. Oh, it is true that some of us wish to be left alone, and prefer solitude to the company of others. But my very presence on this earth is designed to be part of a larger community. How I interact with my…