Author: Steven

  • Room

    Anyone who has listened even a little bit to the Christmas story from the Bible (it’s in Luke 2:1-21 and Matthew 1:18-2:12 for those who want to re-read the details) have got the general idea: The trip Joseph and Mary had to take to Bethlehem for the Roman census; no room for them in the…

  • Celebration

    I heard from somewhere this year that we should not make such a big deal out of it if Christmas doesn’t seem to have Christ in it. The argument, so it goes, is that the holiday has been so commercialized, so secularized, so merchandized, that there already is not much about the holiday that makes…

  • Everything

    I almost always am listening to my iPod while I’m driving, so it’s only rarely that I have a radio station turned on. But today I had it tuned to a local station that plays continuous Christmas music during the holiday season. Because I had it on this station, I heard a song that I…

  • Memories

    When I was a child, my mother often told me stories of how she and her brothers and sisters played together in their small Nebraska town during the 1930s and 40s. They had very few toys, and had to make up most of the games they played. I always enjoyed the stories, even when she…