Month: October 2008
Here I Am
Last time I talked about the call by Jesus on each of us. But other than just putting my trust in him, and following him, and having an assurance of heaven, is this supposed to accomplish more than something just for me? Jesus told his apostles to go into the world and spread the message…
The Call
In my last post, I discussed the way Jesus had an influence on the people he met, an influence that made them give up everything and follow him. Some of the people in Israel in Jesus’ day got a chance to actually meet him, and hear his call. And ever since the day the resurrected…
The Name
Imagine being there at work, doing what you do every day. Same old routine as always, same people, same activities. And then someone comes up, and tells you to follow him. You’ve never met this person before … and yet, not only do you decide to do what he said, but you leave your job…
Self Image
Life can be such a precarious balance, even the Christian life. There are many statements made in the Bible that warn against pride, and not thinking about yourself more highly than you ought. Jesus made a point to remind the people to whom He preached that the foundation of the Law was to love God (Mark…