Month: October 2008

  • Home

    When I left home to go to attend my freshman year of college, I was pumped. I was leaving my smaller world and moving into a wider reality of independance. It was the great adventure of my life! … and after a month at college, five hundred miles away from my parents, my brother, and…

  • Choices

    Robert Frost wrote his poem The Road Not Taken in 1920. The poem is about a traveler who comes to a branching in his road in the woods, where he has to make a decision. He weighs both options, and decides to chose the less worn path, considering that perhaps he might return some day…

  • Surprise!

    One of Bob Ayala‘s songs was the subject of my last post, which brought to mind another of his songs that I enjoy. To see the full significance of what he writes in this song, it helps to know some of his history. Ayala lost his vision as a youth, but he did not let…

  • Evading peace



    The primary theme of this blog is “joy”. But like so many things in life, there are two sides. With joy, there is the possibility of sorrow; with victory, there is the possibility of defeat. For all of the people who hear the message of Jesus to come to peace and escape destruction, there are…