Month: November 2008
Living Water
Have you ever felt so excited about something that you couldn’t contain yourself? You just had to tell your friend, your neighbor, the person you met while walking down the street? This news you had was just too good to keep inside. It was like something that was bursting out of you that you couldn’t control!…
Sources II
Continuing on the theme of exploring the Sources for Jesus music that were available to me during the 1970s and 80s, I’ve posted another page. This time, it is information and airchecks about The Larry Black Show. As before, see the “Pages” section to the right, or click on the “Radio” button at the top of…
This post takes a break from song lyrics.. Instead, I want to point out articles that I have put up as pages on this site. See the “Pages” section to the right, or click on the “Radio” button at the top of any page of the site to see these articles. The first article briefly…