Month: January 2009
Last Sunday was Life Sunday, when we remember the sanctity of life. At my church we had a panel of five local ministry leaders with whom our pastor talked during the sermon time. We heard from: AAA Center For Pregnancy Counseling, working to encourage women to seek alternatives to abortion when facing an unplanned pregnanacy Embrace…
Nothing Lasts
Yesterday I saw “The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button“, starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. I went, thinking it would be an interesting film to see how someone is born looking very old, and ages backwards as he grows older. Unexpectedly, I sat riveted to the screen for the entire film, not wanting to miss…
A Home
If you’ve ever felt like you were just going through the motions of life, trying to make everyone think you were just fine, when inside you were dying, this song is for you. It reminds me that Jesus knows how I feel, that He’s been there already, and He has the solution: To give Him…
No personal info or story this time. This is just a song that makes me feel good, that points my heart back to my Father in heaven, and reminds me that it’s all about Him. Performed by Degarmo & Key from their 1983 album Mission Of Mercy, this is Let The Whole World Sing. Sing!…