Month: February 2009
In chronological order, the next story that Don Francisco told in song is from Matthew 8:1-4. It tells the story of a healing by Jesus given to a leper. The story is brief and to the point. Francisco in this song takes the license to tell about the man, and what his life was like…
Full Circle #107
The latest episode of Full Circle, the radio show done by Jesus Solid Rock veteran Jerry Bryant, is available to listen to. You can search the iTunes Store for “Full Circle”, and subscribe to it. This latest episode includes more great Jesus music from the past, as well as the second part of the interview with Annie…
Come, Follow
Many of the songs from the Jesus movement had themes that came out of stories from the Bible. But there are few writers who did this as well as Don Francisco. He had a way of taking a passage from the Bible, putting the story in lyric form, and singing it with such passion that…