Author: Steven

  • He Is Risen!

    Today’s song: The Victor by Jamie Owens-Collins, from her 1973 album, Laughter In Your Soul, re-released on Legacy in 2008. On this Easter Sunday 2011, we again remember and celebrate the empty cross, the empty tomb, and the promise of a new life. All of this accomplished by the sacrifice and death of Jesus on…

  • Single

    Today’s featured song: Single-Minded Love by Kenny Marks, from his 1983 album, Absolutely Positively. Starting in high school, I began to long for close friendship with a woman. Being somewhat shy and introverted, I had acquaintances with girls, but few situations came up where a real “date” occurred, even into the college years. At college,…

  • Reach

    Featured song: Can You Reach My Friend? from Debby Boone’s 1983 album Surrender. Have you ever had that feeling that something was just not right, but you could not really specify just what it was that was wrong? Maybe it was just a vague unease with life; maybe it was a culmination of many different…

  • Fired Up

    Featured song: Free The Fire In Me by The Imperials, from the 1988 album Free The Fire. A couple of posts before this, I talked about holy fire, that passion for God. It has the unique properties of being ignited and sustained by God Himself, and yet its flames spread out to give glory back…