Author: Steven

  • Traveling

    Back in this post, I made mention that for some reason, Jesus was best recognized by his disciples not by the shape of His face, or even by His voice, but rather that he was known by his scars, those on His hands and feet. It was very important to God the Father that the…

  • Alive!

    Jesus told his disciples many times why He had come to earth, and what He ultimately had to do. Despite this, it is remarkable how in this most important of His actions, the death of Jesus on the cross seems to have taken them all by surprise. The writers of the Gospel accounts don’t explain…

  • The Price

    The story of the crucifixion of Christ is central to Christianity. Jesus was much more than a “wise teacher”, or perfect example of a “holy life”. The fall of Adam was huge. It was not just a silly story involving an apple; it was the pivotal event on which hinged the entire future and destiny…

  • Full Circle #110 and #111

    The latest two episodes of Full Circle, are available. You can search the iTunes Store for “Full Circle”, and subscribe to them. Episode #110 includes an interview with Bob Bennett, featuring several of his songs, and music from Paul Clark, Mark Heard, Bruce Cockburn, Roby Duke Episode #111 features music whose themes align with the letters to the…