Author: Steven

  • Self Image

    Life can be such a precarious balance, even the Christian life. There are many statements made in the Bible that warn against pride, and not thinking about yourself more highly than you ought. Jesus made a point to remind the people to whom He preached that the foundation of the Law was to love God (Mark…

  • Praise

    I’ve talked about heaven in several other posts on this blog. One of the major occupations in heaven is a continuous praise and worship service directly in the presence of the King of kings, Jesus. But I also know that I do not have to wait for heaven to start the practice of living a…

  • Pray

    The stock market is down, the economy looks shakey, and many people are fearing the future. Some of them know things have turned bad for them; they have lost a job, or their retirement fund has significantly decreased in value. Some of them just stare at that Dow Jones average and get more and more…

  • Thirst

    You’ve been hiking for hours; your water is running short, and what water you have is warm and not at all very appealing. You are getting very dry, and weak, and don’t feel like you can go much further. But up ahead is a cool green clearing in the forest, and the sound of a…