Author: Steven

  • Are you ready?

    One of the things that absorbed my attention during the 1970s and 1980s was the excitement about the Second Coming of Jesus. Ever since Jesus left earth (see Acts 1:6-11), believers have been anxiously awating the time when He would return to set up His kingdom on earth. Hal Lindsey‘s book, The Late Great Planet…

  • Friends

    In my church this past Sunday, the message delivered included the story from Mark 2:1-12. This passage deals with a man paralyzed, who wanted to be healed by Jesus. The problem was in getting access to Jesus. He was in a house, teaching, surrounded by a standing-room only crowd that spilled out the door. So the…

  • Questions

    In the past several posts I’ve discussed the longing for heaven, for the peace and joy associated with that time, when I see Christ face to face, and reunited with those who have gone before me. And I also discussed the fact that exactly what heaven will be like is so mysterious to me. There…

  • Belong

    This it the third of a trilogy of posts about the longing for home (see here and here for the previous two). I previously talked about the warm feelings about returning home after being gone for a period of time, and the longing in my heart for a return to this time in my past.…