Category: General
This post takes a break from song lyrics.. Instead, I want to point out articles that I have put up as pages on this site. See the “Pages” section to the right, or click on the “Radio” button at the top of any page of the site to see these articles. The first article briefly…
Heal our land
The United States is again facing a presidential election. As we anticipate the outcome, everyone is hoping for their candidate to win. Some are dreading the dire possibilities that might occur if the “other” one wins. I’ve seen this kind of drama played out in the news media in every election that I’ve paid attention…
Self Image
Life can be such a precarious balance, even the Christian life. There are many statements made in the Bible that warn against pride, and not thinking about yourself more highly than you ought. Jesus made a point to remind the people to whom He preached that the foundation of the Law was to love God (Mark…
Are you ready?
One of the things that absorbed my attention during the 1970s and 1980s was the excitement about the Second Coming of Jesus. Ever since Jesus left earth (see Acts 1:6-11), believers have been anxiously awating the time when He would return to set up His kingdom on earth. Hal Lindsey‘s book, The Late Great Planet…