Month: February 2009

  • Full Circle #106

    The latest episode of Full Circle, the radio show done by Jesus Solid Rock veteran Jerry Bryant, is available to listen to. You search the iTunes Store for “Full Circle”, and subscribe to it. This latest episode includes more great Jesus music from the past, as well as an interview with Annie Herring of the…

  • Virtue

    I waited many years for God to bring me to the point where I was ready to meet the woman that He had selected for me to marry. When that right moment came, He blessed our friendship and grew it into the love of our lives. I am so grateful to Him for all the…

  • Rock

    Way back in the early years of the Jesus movement there was this group from southern California named Love Song. They were a rock group before they became Christians, but they were all searching for the truth, the meaning of life. In their search, they came across this church called Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, where the…

  • Turn Around



    For my wife and I, it has been our great joy to have the opportunity to have two children and see them grow from tiny newborns to college age. We have experienced the pleasure, the pain, and the responsibilty of protecting them, nurturing them, and helping them to become adults who may, in turn, take…