Featured songs: Paint My Life and The Mystery, by John Michael Talbot and Terry Talbot from their 1980 album, The Painter.
I enjoy songs that explain a facet of God, whom I cannot see, by comparing it with something I can see.
There are also writers and poets who, during the past 2000 years, have done their best to describe facets of God and His nature. Some of them have written their descriptions in the form of prayers that stay with us to this day.
One of the most famous of these was written by St. Francis of Assisi, who lived back in the early 13th century. He is remembered as a founder of the Franciscans, a Catholic religious order. During his life, he dedicated himself to more closely identifying with the teachings of Jesus Christ, to the point of taking a vow of poverty, and preaching repentance. His Prayer Of St. Francis is translated as follows:
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.Amen.
I was not raised as a Catholic, but during part of my childhood I lived in South Bend, Indiana, the home of the Catholic-based Notre Dame University. Back in the days when televisions stations did not broadcast for 24 hours a day, I vividly remember staying up late enough for Johnny Carson to be over, followed soon afterwards by the sign-off of television station WNDU in South Bend. In addition to the national anthem, they also played a recording of the Prayer of St. Francis. It seemed a peaceful end to the day.
Today when I read the words of this prayer, I am reminded of those aspects of the Christian life that involve communion with God, through prayer and meditation on His word. And if you want to find Jesus music that fits into a meditative style, look no further than John Michael Talbot. Although he released an album in 1980, Come To The Quiet which includes St. Francis’ prayer put to song (Peace Prayer), he and his brother Terry Talbot also used some of these themes in two of the songs on their joint album The Painter. They used the imagery of a God as an artist, painting His image on the canvas of my life, with colors of His qualities.
Here are the two songs First, Paint My Life:
So paint my life with your charity
So paint my life with your mercy
Paint my life with your humility
And I will share in your gloryJesus, paint my life!
Jesus, paint my life!Color your brush with your kindness
Color your brush with your meekness
Color your brush with your gentleness
Color your brush with your forgivenessJesus, paint my life!
Jesus, paint my life!
Jesus …
And now, The Mystery.
Could you be findin’ the Mystery
You have been looking for?
A kingdom where servants will come to be kings
Are you looking for?And you’ll know
That the sweet paradoxes unfolds
And the mystery will clearly show
And you’ll know
And you’ll know…Jesus, paint my life
(Could you be findin’ the mystery?)
Jesus, paint my life
(Could you be findin’ the mystery?)
Jesus, paint my life
(Could you be findin’ the mystery?)And we know, you are the Master of painters
Comin’ the true Prince of Peace
And we know, you are the true Creator
Comin’ the King of KingsJesus, paint my life with charity
(Could you be finding the mystery?)
Paint my life with mercy
(Could you be finding the mystery?)
Paint my life
(Could you be finding the mystery?)Can you be the light of the world?
Can you be the light?
Take the light that’s given to you
Can you be the light?Can you give your love to the world?
Can you give your love?
Take the love that’s given to you
Can you give your love?Jesus paint my life with charity
(Can you be the life?)
Paint my life with mercy
(Can you be the life?)
Paint my life
(Can you be the life?)Paint my life
And if you want more meditative music, check out Talbot’s Come To The Quiet album.
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