Here I Am

Last time I talked about the call by Jesus on each of us. But other than just putting my trust in him, and following him, and having an assurance of heaven, is this supposed to accomplish more than something just for me?

Jesus told his apostles to go into the world and spread the message of salvation. He also said that it was up to us to bring comfort to the widow, to protect the orphan, to love and serve others in the world. My pastor this past Sunday, after showing this video, made this statement: “The reality is that we are God’s plan for this world.”

This is not a song with lyrics; it is an amazing video. Watch it, and think about how God can use you.


One response to “Here I Am”

  1. This blessed my heart and made my soul grieve but yet still with the awesomeness of our GOD,and brought tears to my eyes. “Here I am LORD send me”. I think of my mission to Sudan. I asked GOD for more conformation and HE continues to give it to me. How blessed to know GOD hears our pleas. It is not about me,but about God, Use me Lord to your total GLORY, NOt my will but, your will be done.It is all about HIM that is our purpose and to use the gifts HE has given us to help others.

    In times like this we need a SAVIOR, we ask why and wonder why things are as they are. Reminds me of the scripture in Psalm 10:1 “Why do YOU stand afar off, O LORD? Why do you hide in times of trouble? The wicked in his pride persecutes the poor; Let them be caught in the plots which they have devised.”

    Thank you for this wonderful spirit insight GOD has blessed you with. So spiritual and anoitned. LORD send your power and let it fall down on all of us.

    Love ya in Jesus might name


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