Author: Steven

  • If My People

    Twelve years ago I started this blog, with the purpose of sharing lyrics of songs from Christian music, lyrics that I felt had meaning. By 2014 I had gotten through my favorite songs, and the rate of posting slowed to a trickle. This is common for blogs – either the writer just gets tired of…

  • More CCM Medleys

    Robbase1969 is his handle on YouTube, and he is the creator of the CCM Medleys mentioned in my last post. I checked his YouTube page again today, and found that he has some additional music medleys that he has created since I posted about this a year ago. I do not recall how far his…

  • CCM Medleys

    Just discovered these videos on YouTube. Robbase1969 has created eight videos that include clips of songs for each year from 1979 to 1986, much longer than those I put on my decade-long Timesweep. They are fantastic surveys of the music being played on CCM stations in the early 1980s, and well worth a listen. I…

  • KYMS Countdown, December 1984

    Some years ago, a friend of the web site sent me recordings of the KYMS 1984 top 50 countdown show (actually the top 28 were all that were included in his recordings). These were great, and I’ve finally put them into a “scoped” version (the start and end of the songs are the only part…