If My People

Twelve years ago I started this blog, with the purpose of sharing lyrics of songs from Christian music, lyrics that I felt had meaning. By 2014 I had gotten through my favorite songs, and the rate of posting slowed to a trickle. This is common for blogs – either the writer just gets tired of coming up with something to post, or inspiration dries up, or other things take precedence.

I have not lost my enthusiasm for Christian music or, more importantly, the Christian faith. Jesus still is first priority, and I depend on Him for guidance and help in all facets of my life.

Back in 2008 when I posted my first song lyrics here, that was also an election year. And, looking at what I posted at that time, it was also contentious. Every election cycle it seems that each side accuses the other of being a terrible person, who will do terrible things when they get to Washington, and the new candidate will go to the capital and “clean things up”. As usual, they over simplify what they can accomplish, whether running for House, Senate, or President, and over accuse the other side of being Satan incarnate.

Every election is important, and the outcome of every election sets the tone for the next two to four years in our country. In this post I will not get into the details of one side versus the other; what I want to again emphasize is what I posted on November 3, 2008 – that aside from voting, it is my job to pray for the country. We have so many disasters facing not just the U.S. but also the rest of the world – the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of acres of land burning, hurricane after hurricane pounding the southeast, and unrest with citizen fighting citizen. Some are literally stating on videos or on social media that they want people from the side opposing them to be dead or arrested and jailed.

My response is that I can vote with my conscience for the candidates who best support my views, but most importantly I need to pray. We all need to pray.

The song is similar, but a different arrangement from the post in 2008. This song, from the 1975 musical presentation by Jimmy & Carol Owens, “If My People”, led and narrated by Pat Boone.

(spoken) “In second Chronicles 14, God made a promise to Israel, which the Holy Spirit is renewing today in the hearts of God’s people in many nations. We’ve come to begin fulfilling God’s conditions for that promise of a great awakening and healing in our land.”

If My people
Which are called by My name
Shall humble themselves
Shall humble themselves and pray

If My people
Which are called by My name
Shall seek my face
And turn from their wicked ways

Then will I hear from heaven
Then will I hear from heaven
Then will I hear from heaven
Then will I hear and will forgive
Forgive their sin

If My people
Which are called by My name
Shall humble themselves
Shall humble themselves and pray

I will forgive their sin
I will forgive their sin
I will forgive their sin
And heal their land


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