
Last Sunday was Life Sunday, when we remember the sanctity of life. At my church we had a panel of five local ministry leaders with whom our pastor talked during the sermon time. We heard from:

  • AAA Center For Pregnancy Counseling, working to encourage women to seek alternatives to abortion when facing an unplanned pregnanacy
  • Embrace The Heartland In Prayer, focused on dedicated prayer for the city of Omaha
  • Good News Jail & Prison Ministry, ministry to those serving sentences, to bring hope to those who are hopeless and giving them a reason to not return to crime
  • Abide Network, working in the underserved and poor part of the city to restore and empower children and families to change their world through the transforming power of Jesus
  • Threefold Cord, which focuses on ministry to the elderly in nursing homes, many of whom are forgotten, lonely, and facing death
Photo credit -- Flickr, Romanlily
Photo credit — Flickr, Romanlily

As each representative spoke, and told of the work they do, and the lives they have impacted, it was startling to see the great need present in the very city in which I live. I was shown how lives from pre-birth to the grave all have their own unique problems, and how some people had been called out of their comfort zones to help and minister to these underserved groups.

Amongst the songs we sang that morning, our worship leader chose one that specifically focused on getting a feeling for God’s heart for all of these hurting people. Notice the lines that I’ve emphasized below in boldface, especially this: “break my heart for what breaks yours.” Or, as one of our speakers stated, “I once asked Jesus into my heart. I now learned that I needed to ask Jesus to let me into His heart.”

Oh, Lord, help me see each person you bring across my path with Your eyes, as I do my daily work!

Here is the song Hosanna, as sung here by Hillsong, from the live 2007 album Saviour King.

I see the King of Glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes

I see His love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith

I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We’re on our knees
We’re on our knees

Hosanna in the highest

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for Your kingdom’s cause
As I go from earth into Eternity

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna in the highest

Saviour King, 2007, Hillsong


2 responses to “Unloved”

  1. You know, I still feel my calling is to do ministry with the elderly. I enjoy and love interacting with them. because they are lonely and need someone to just listen to them. I have the patience and love for them. I still would love to run a Assistant living Home. I know I could and I also know I can’t change everything but I sure can a few things. That is still my hearts desire and I think about it all the time. We serve them with our whole hearts and God honors that. I may be getting older, but young in heart. We can do all thing through Christ which strengthens us. Nothing is impossible. But that is my heart.


  2. I forgot to add to my comment. I am in a comfort zone and after coming back from Sudan I am sure I will have other things in my heart to testify about and God is going to do more with me. HE using me everyday at work, home, church, etc. But there is more for my to do still yet. I am comfortable work, but what else has GOD in store for me? I am excited because my heart tells me their is more. I need to trust and obey HIM.

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