Author: Steven

  • Blindness

    Today’s post is another story song by Don Francisco, this time taken from John 9:1-38. In this long passage, Francisco again tells one of the Gospel stories from the point of view of the person who received a healing through the hands of Jesus. The man, blind from birth, does not go out of his…

  • Tough Act



    Shakespeare stated in As You Like It this often-repeated phrase: All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts This analogy to life fits the way that we often live. It’s not that I necessarily…

  • Voyage

    Today’s story as told by Don Francisco in song is from Matthew 14:22-33, and is one of the most famous of the miracles of Jesus. Even those who don’t know about Jesus will have heard something about “walking on the water”. Again, the story is told from the point of view of one of its participants,…

  • Tell It

    Any parent who has had a child who was gravely ill will tell you how very difficult it is to handle. There is a major feeling of helplessness to have a child that is sick, and who begs you to make him or her better. It is bad enough to have this happen if you…