Author: Steven

  • Thirty Years Ago

    Like many efforts in the blogosphere, this collection of Jesus music songs from the early years of Contemporary Christian Music started fast and furious, and with time it faded, as the busy-ness of life and other projects pushed it to a lower priority. The last time I made a post here was over two years…

  • Losing

    Today’s featured song: Losing by Tenth Avenue North, from the album The Struggle, scheduled for release in August 2012. Here’s an unusual one for this blog – a song that is so new that the album from which it comes has not even been released yet. But after I saw the YouTube video, I found that…

  • Walking Home

    Featured song: Walking Her Home, by Mark Schultz, from his 2007 album, Broken And Beautiful. For this Valentine’s Day, let me just share this wonderful love song. I don’t really have anything to say that the song doesn’t say better. It’s just what love for life should look like. I pray that I am giving…

  • Restoration



    Featured song: Touch Of The Master’s Hand, by Wayne Watson from his 1980 album, Workin’ In The Final Hour. It must be hard to keep television new, fresh, and able to retain eyeballs. Even in this day, when the landscape has been shattered from three or four standard networks into a thousand pieces, multiple specialty…