
Today’s featured song: We Are His Hands by Whiteheart from the 1984 album Vital Signs.

Presenting these tracks off of Tape JM-31 from 1984 is fun for me, because all of these cassette tapes are like old friends to me, visited repeatedly over the years. I know them so well that I can almost always predict which song (or jingle) comes next as I listen through them. Track 20 presented today is one from Whiteheart’s second album, and is a non-rocker song that appealed to me. From looking at the MP3 album entry on Amazon, it appears that this was not the hit from that album; every track is available for free on Amazon Prime except for Walking In The Line, which I apparently did not hear on the radio, as it is unfamiliar to me (it’s also the highest rated track on that MP3 album on Amazon).

The song was recorded off of KCRO in Omaha, from their “Super Saturday” show, in which they took a few hours on Saturday morning to play Jesus music, taking a break from their otherwise full schedule of teaching programs. I do appreciate the fact that they played this music at all, as there was almost no other local source for this, other than The Larry Black Show on WOW (and later on KQKQ-FM).

We are His hands
We are His feet
We are His people
Children of the Lord
We share the hope
We share the dream
Believers in Jesus
Children of the King

His Spirit lives within us
Flowing like a river
Filling us with strength
So that we
Can reach out for our brother
Help one another

We are His hands
We are His feet
We are His people
Children of the Lord
We share the hope
We share the dream
Believers in Jesus
Children of the King

Some of us build, some are teachers
Some can sing like angels
But all of us can love
Like He loved
Pure and simple
So warm and gentle

We are His hands
We are His feet
We are His people
Children of the Lord
We share the hope
We share the dream
Believers in Jesus
Children of the King

(repeat chorus)

Vital Signs We Are His Hands – download MP3 at Amazon


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