Author: Steven

  • Sources II

    Continuing on the theme of exploring the Sources for Jesus music that were available to me during the 1970s and 80s, I’ve posted another page. This time, it is information and airchecks about The Larry Black Show. As before, see the “Pages” section to the right, or click on the “Radio” button at the top of…

  • U Maija?

    Ever feel like nothing is going right, nothing goes your way? Every day seems to be a struggle, a fight just to get through everything? You can have that feeling if you don’t have all of your instructions; you can’t do your job if you have not been told how to do it. Or maybe…

  • Sources

    This post takes a break from song lyrics.. Instead, I want to point out articles that I have put up as pages on this site. See the “Pages” section to the right, or click on the “Radio” button at the top of any page of the site to see these articles.  The first article briefly…

  • Scars



    A life can be full of joy, of happiness, of love, and so much more. But so many lives have only a pittance of these qualities, and too much of the qualities of sorrow, sadness, regret, and pain. All too often these are present because of our own actions and choices. But sometimes these things enter…